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Top 5 Moves of Seth Rollins

Let’s look at the Top 5 Moves of Seth Rollins. Seth Rollins is the standard for all the wrestlers in WWE and he has a variety of moves that help him have great Matches.

Harsh Chopra
Last updated: 06.02.2023
Top 5 Moves of Seth Rollins

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Like Shawn Michaels was the best Wrestler of his time , the same can be said for Seth Rollins at this time because for the past decade he has been the most consistent wrestler in WWE and he has only gotten better as the years have gone along. Seth Rollins is the standard for all the wrestlers in WWE and one reason that he is so great is because Seth Rollins had a variety of moves that help him have great Matches

Seth Rollins has such a wide variety of moves that doing a Top 5 Moves about him is not fair and the same cannot be said for the majority of the wrestlers past or present. Whether Seth Rollins is a heel or a face the quality of Matches he has does not go down. 

Let’s look at the Top 5 Moves of Seth Rollins:


1) The Stomp

This is the finishing move by Seth Rollins and this is one move that no wrestler wants to be hit by because the impact is devastating. In this move Seth Rollins runs across the ropes and then stomps the head of his opponents and they lie on their head and Seth Rollins wins the matches and the fans love when he does this because of the build that he does prior to this move.

2) Pedigree

Seth Rollins does the Pedigree these days after the retirement of Triple H and he does it so well and Triple H loves him doing it because Seth Rollins was like a pupil to him . In this move Seth Rollins hooks the legs of his opponents and then he lays them in the ground to win a lot of his matches. The legacy of Triple H and his Pedigree is in the best hands possible

3) Superplex to the Falcon Arrow

This is the favorite move by Seth Rollins as it is one of the hardest moves to do and this is the reason that only Seth Rollins does this move she n this move Seth Rollins runs to the top rope like a cat and then takes his opponent in a Superplex position and then he hits it and immediately after that he lifts then and plants them like a falcon arrow on their backs and goes for the pin. It is One of the coolest moves by Seth Rollin

4) Phoenix Splash

This is one of the hardest moves to do and Seth Rollins does this so easily. The Phoenix Splash like the name suggests is a splash from the top rope where Seth Rollins is on his back side and from that position he goes from the top rope and like a Phoenix hits his opponent hard and he has won Matches with this move as well. It looks incredible when he does it.

5) Frog Splash

The Frog Splash is one of those moves that not everybody can pull off and it takes a special skill and a certain level of Wrestler to do this move perfectly. Seth Rollins goes to the top rope like he loves doing and then from the top rope he jumps like a frog and then hits his opponent face first and the impact is huge and he always gets a near fall whenever he hits this move.

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