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The Benefits of AEW Wrestlers competing at WrestleMania

In this article, we take a look at the benefits of AEW wrestlers competing at WrestleMania. AEW Wrestlers competing at WrestleMania gives me chills because of all the benefits it will make for both companies business wise.

Harsh Chopra
Last updated: 29.12.2022
The Benefits of AEW Wrestlers competing at WrestleMania

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I know this is a situation that is not real but we are WWE fans and we want WWE to think outside the box and the thought of AEW Wrestlers competing at WrestleMania gives me chills because of all the benefits it will make for both companies business wise. And most importantly the fans will get the best of both worlds and that WrestleMania will be the biggest of all time.

Before we talk about those benefits, I want to say that I am as big a fan of Wrestling as so many of you and I want the best for AEW but it has not been in a good place but a collaboration with WWE will do them a world of good. So, let’s look at the benefits .

5) Wider reach for AEW and it’s Wrestlers


This is one of the most important advantages that this situation will give AEW and the company needs some casual fans that watch the product and not many of the casuals know the majority of the AEW Wrestlers and that can all change if those wrestlers compete at the biggest Wrestling shows of the year. The wrestlers themselves will be able to perform in front of 70,000+ fans and multiple millions watching at home.

4) Triple H and Tony Khan can work together to deliver the best possible show

This will give a huge opportunity for both Triple H and Tony Khan to resolve their issues and work together for the betterment of the product and this will result in both of them working together for WrestleMania and thus the creative booking of the show will be great with 2 great minds working together.

3) WrestleMania will be an Unpredictable show that year

Normally WrestleMania are shows that can be predicted long in advance and that is not a bad thing but sometimes it is nice to not know what will happen in advance and keep the fans Guessing as to what will happen and if both companies work together then the show will be unpredictable because fans will not know which matches to expect and what stipulations can be added and that will add to the excitement of the show.

2) All the Dream Matches can finally happen

This is the past that will excite fans the most because they would want to see all the dream AEW vs WWE dream matches at this show and thus we can get matches like AJ Styles vs Kenny Omega or Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns vs Jon Moxley or Becky Lynch vs Britt Baker or The Usos vs The Young Bucks and so many more and all these matches have the capability of being 5 star matches.

1) More Money for both companies and the opportunity to work in the future

This is the biggest advantage of having WrestleMania involving both companies and more money will mean that they will want to work together more often because at the end of the day it is a business and they will do what is best for business. AEW will want to make the most of the opportunity and if everything goes well then they can work together in the future as well. So it will be a win-win for both companies.

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