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Big Boys finally become WWE Hall of Famers

In this article, we will talk about Vader and The Undertaker - The Big Boys who finally became the WWE hall of famers.

Harsh Chopra
Last updated: 07.04.2022
Big Boys finally become WWE Hall of Famers

In the last article we talked about 3 out of the 5 inductees in the Hall of Fame ceremony and they were all heroes and inspirations in their own ways and i have to say that the crowd in Dallas was amazing and they showed all the inductees the proper respect they deserved and allowed then to speak their mind and got emotional with them as well. The inductees were also feeling loved and respected as they were hearing all these cheers for them and thanking them for their service for so many years. This is the second part of this article because one part would not have been right for it and I want to give all their inductees the proper respect in this as well.

I just wish that all the inductees were allowed more time to speak by WWE like for 15 minutes to each Hall of Fame inductee so that we could have been able to hear more stories from their careers. Nonetheless it was a lot of fun and certainly the best Hall of Fame ceremony I have watched and I have seen a lot of them every year. And a special mention to Randy Orton who was the best fan out there representing us and cheering for every moment and having a blast out there. Someday he will be a first ballot Hall of Famer and it will be a lovely sight.



The fourth person to be inducted was the late great Vader and his was also an emotional induction as his wife and son came to accept the honor. Vader was one of the best big men in wrestling history and he showed that big men can also move fast and do all sorts of crazy things and he won a lot of World titles in WCW and Japan as well. His WWE career was great but the only regret is that he never won the big one in WWE. His Hall of Fame induction should have happened lot earlier and he should have accepted it himself but better late than never as they say. His son gave a very good speech as he praised his father for being the best. We all miss him to this day and hope his soul is in peace.

The Undertaker

Finally we have come to the main event of the evening and what a main event we got at the Hall of Fame this year. The inductee was perhaps the greatest of all time and a man who has given 30 years to WWE and has become the single greatest character in professional wrestling history so much so that The Undertaker is bigger than the business and a cultural phenomenon. For me he is the best ever and the reason I fell in love with WWE so it was extra special for me. Vince McMahon came out himself to do the induction and it was rare of him to do so and what an emotional speech he gave saying all the things he deserved and list some his opponents from over the years and then he came in his iconic entrance and then something incredible happened. For more than 5 minutes straight the crowd was just applauding him and cheering for him and he could not get a word in and he was soaking it all in. It was the longest ovation I have seen in a long time and no one deserves it. Then his speech started and for the next 50 minutes he spoke about everything and thanked almost everyone and told some funny backstage stories and I am so glad he got this time to say everything. Thanks to Triple H, Shawn Michaels,Kane, Vince ,his family all were extremely emotional. In the end he wore his attire and said Never Say Never sending the fans into ecstasy. One of the all time great moments in WWE.

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