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Top 5 Best Moves of Goldberg

Check out the top 5 best moves of Goldberg. Bill Goldberg is one of the most famous and recognisable professional wrestlers of the last 25 years.

Harsh Chopra
Last updated: 09.07.2023
Best Moves of Goldberg

Bill Goldberg is one of the most famous and recognisable professional wrestlers of the last 25 years because he www different and he had a mean streak everytime he went to the match and he only had a limited set of moves which he used in all his matches but those were the moves which won him 173 matches in a row in WCW. Goldberg was an attraction and everyone wanted to wrestle him and he never would have long classics but short and impactful ones.

Because Bill Goldberg had such a small set of moves so this list will contain almost all his moves. 

Let’s look at the Top 5 Moves of Goldberg

1) Jackhammer

The Jackhammer is the finishing move of Goldberg which he has been using since the early days of his wrestling career and this was one of the hardest finishing moves of all time. It took all the power and strength to hit this move. In this move Goldberg would lift the opponent in the air  and then he would drop them like a Powerslam in one motion and the match would be over in an instant. This was a devastating move because the impact would be bad if it goes wrong.

2) Spear

This was the second finishing move of Goldberg and he had the most devastating Spear out of anyone who would hit the move in WWE because he would use all the force and power he has and it looked like he would break his opponent In half. A lot of WWE superstars give the spear but only he gives it in such a way that it feels like the opponent will not be able to get up from that.

3) Gorilla Press Slam

This was one of the signature moves of Goldberg and this move looked simple but It was anything but simple for his opponents when he would give then this Slam and this move would allow Goldberg to prepare for his next big move and cause his opponent more harm. In this move Goldberg would lift his opponent and then he would lift then in the air with both his hands and then he would Slam then to the ring and get a near fall

4) Gorilla Press Powerslam

This is a different move as compared to the last one and there is only a slight difference but there is. In this move Goldberg lifts his opponent in a Gorilla Press but this time instead of just Slamming them in the ring like a normal Slam, in this one he gives them a Powerslam and the impact is far greater than it would be when he only gives them a normal Slam. In this move Goldberg lifts his opponents In the air and then he gives then a Powerslam and he gets a 2 and a half count.

5) Clothesline

The Clothesline is a move that almost all the WWE Wrestlers do in their matches but there are only a few WWE superstars in history that the clothesline is one of the most effective moves of their arsenal and the Clothesline by Goldberg was one of them because he had such power in his body and his hands that he would give a monstrous Clothesline and the opponent would fall to the mat in a heap.

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