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Top 5 Best Moves of Christian

In this article, check out the top 5 best moves of Christian. Christian is one of the all time legends of professional wrestling and he has been at the top of his game for more than 20 years.

Harsh Chopra
Last updated: 19.06.2023
Best Moves of Christian

Christian is one of the all time legends of professional wrestling and he has been at the top of his game for more than 20 years and out of which 7 years he was unable to wrestle because of a head injury and now he is wrestling again and he is at his best. Christian made his mark both as a tag team wrestler and as a singles wrestler. There are not a lot of years left for Christian to wrestle so the fans are just enjoying him as much as they can

One of the main reasons that Christian has been so good for so long is the number of moves that he has at his disposal which he can use at anytime to win a match. Christian is a great and a very clever wrestler and he is a safe worker in the ring. 

Let’s look at the Top 5 Moves of Christian

1) Killswitch

The Killswitch is a move that was made famous by Christian ever since his early days in WWE and this is one of the hardest finishing moves to perfect because it is very complicated. In this move Christian locks his hands with the hands of his opponents and then he turns them around and then plants them head first in the ring and the match is over and Christian wins the match.

2) Spear

Christian was a tag team with Edge and both used the Spear as a finishing move and the Spear that Christian hit is one of the most devastating ones and he does not use this in every match and he only brings this out in big Matches. Christian runs from across the ring and he hits the Spear with All the force at his command and he wins the match and he has won titles with this move as well.

3) Diving European Uppercut

This is one of the signature moves of Christian and most WWE fans know him from this move because there was no one who did this move as well as him. In this move Christian used to go to the top rope and from there he would dive from there and then he would give an Uppercut and he would always get a near fall for this move.

4) Dropkick

The Dropkick is a move that a lot of Wrestlers try doing in their matches but very few are able to perfect this move to the point where their kick hits the face of his opponents. Christian was one such WWE superstar who was able to hit the perfect Dropkick and he had he hurt his opponents and he would get a 2 count in every match.

5) Powerbomb

The Powerbomb is a move that Christian did not use in every match of his but when he did it was one of the most effective versions of the Powerbomb in the WWE. He would lift his opponents and then he would plant then to the mat and he would win some Matches as well with this Move.


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