Sports do not build character, They Reveal it ~ John Wooden
The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have individual stars in the world , if they don't play together ,the team won't worth a dime. ~ Babe Ruth
These two quotes explain to an extent that why Sports is Social.
Social event is an occurrence which derives from interactions among individuals and happens only once. Separate changes happening are tangible and specific occasions. Societies consist of institutions. Social institution can be defined as a constitution of relations, values, norms, statuses, roles, groups and establishments which organize the social structure and are accepted and adopted by the majority of the society in the scope of their basic needs.
Sport is not only a social event, but also a social phenomenon and a social institution. A sports event in a particular place at a particular time is tangible and specific. It can be seen, heard and perceived. Thus, it is a social event. Sport, in its general meaning, is intangible, as well. It evolves out of observation and experience, forms basis for thinking and research, expresses continuity and determination; it is a series of events. Thus, it is a social phenomenon, as well. On the other hand, sport is one of the oldest and basic social institutions. Like all social institutions, it has arisen from social needs. It will exist as a social institution as long as these needs are there and sports can satisfy them.
“Sports Social” is first Sports Digital Media and Social Networking Service which is bringing the complete sports ecosystem together for sports in every possible reason of playing, watching & following sports, be it competitive or fun or exercise, in an effort to build a synergic global “sports” community.
We identified the problems users are facing to play their favorite sport after migrating from their home city because in India this scenario has been seen pretty often in past 50 years.
The problems mainly are Users/Company(who is going to play?), Activities (what are they going to play?) and Venues(where are they going to play?). Right Now there are bottlenecks at each step. Current Sports Social app is designed to address all these problems.
Sports Social app is your personal sports manager that lets you maintain your sports profile,Making your sports & fitness groups (Playmates), Follow others sports activities and create a fan following , Connect with other sports enthusiasts, Discover sports and fitness activities near you and much more. You can also locate the Venues Nearby for more than 10 Sports including Cricket, Football, Lawn Tennis, Badminton etc.
Sports Social app is shaped in a way to create a mapping of sports activities in a locality connecting the people and places involved in sports ecosystem including players, Coaches, sports venues, Sports event managers etc. Thus resulting in Creating local sports communities and making sports friendly environment in Localities, Societies, Apartments and Institutions (Schools, Colleges, and Organizations).

Image: A Glimpse of User's Profile
Watch this video to understand the Profile Basics
Sports Social also pondered & researched a lot to define Sports, a topic that lies outside the discipline of economics & technology to understand the basic building blocks that define sports industry.
One key issue in defining sport involves identifying criteria that separate sport from games of skill like chess or poker and from recreational activities like dancing, hiking, fishing and gardening. A secondary issue involves identifying criteria that appropriately define competition in a way to distinguish sport from exercise. For example, running has a competitive dimension but jogging does not. Note that weightlifting is an Olympic Sport, Bodybuilding is a professional sport and competitions based on athletic performance on fitness equipment like stationary rowing machines, elliptical trainers and stationary bicycles exist, blurring the already murky distinction between exercise and sport.
“Sport is a complex, multi-faceted activity encompassing modern spectacles like the summer and Winter Olympic Games and informal pick-up games on urban basketball courts; a recreational jogger, a runner in the Marathon – a competition with thousands of participants – and people watching the Marathon on television all participate in sport in some way”
Sports Social app includes 64 sports ranging from “Sports” Involving Physical Activities” , “Sports” Involving Game of Skills , “Sports” Involving Recreational Activities that provide a better completion to every individual’s life cycle of sports social. We started journey from Gurgaon,Haryana in India. We are currently expanding our awareness to reach out to maximum users.
Thanks for reading, If you are interested in Sports, Join Sports Social today and See what's going around you in Open Arena.
Don’t forget to tell us your reviews and expectations. We are continuously making our efforts to improve.
IASE/NAASE Working Paper Series, No. 08-11,Brad R. Humphreys
International Journal of Science Culture and Sport,December 2013; 1(4) - Yılmaz KAPLAN*, Demet TEKİNAY**, Dr. Alkan UĞURLU*