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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

The growth of a child includes mental, physical and spiritual advancement. Sports considers all-round development. It provides the necessary energy and vigor for excellence in all walks of life.

Last updated: 13.10.2017
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy | Sports Social Blog

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, All play, and no work makes Jack a mere toy” – Maria Edgeworth

The essence of sports is to be valued in the life of each individual whether a student, an adult or a professional. In the United States, it is mandatory for students to participate in sports alongside the education provided in the classroom. In India, however, sports are not a mandatory inclusion in the education curricula. Through involvement in sports has an added advantage to students for admission to various colleges. The growth of a child includes mental, physical and spiritual advancement. Sports considers all-round development. It provides the necessary energy and vigor for excellence in all walks of life.

A kid, as young as 5 years, feels joyful and energized on the children's playground. For a school student, there is a different joy in celebration of the annual sports event. Children actively participate in various sports activities. However, with the passage of years, their involvement reduces. It is often limited to becoming a book-worm and gauging their growth on the basis of score-cards in boards, various competitive examinations, etc. This doesn’t ensure the actual nurturing of a student’s life. Sports prepare a student to face the challenges in their life with confidence. Involvement in sports has health benefits, allow students to form and strengthen affective relationships, teach youth to value self-improvement over winning, how to be competitive in a competitive society, and to work culturally with different peers and authorities. In a classroom, high school student-athletes are far less likely to drop out of school and 15% more likely to attend college.


Various studies across the world have linked the non-involvement in sports activities to obesity in adults. An individual can involve in different kinds of sports activities – outdoor games like football, basketball, badminton, etc. Yoga is yet another sports activity apt for all age groups of people. The various added advantages of being active in sports activities include greater willpower, improved concentration, focused approach, team-building capabilities, good decision-making ability, etc. What distinguishes sportsmen from an ordinary individual is their high levels of energy and increased willpower. It comes from rigorous practice and a disciplined routine targeted towards self-improvement and excellence. Sports are now getting wide acceptance and recognition through various sponsorships and government initiatives. It is the responsibility of an individual and organizations to leverage the available opportunity and promote participation in sports activities at regional, national and worldwide level. In addition to the sponsorships, common youth is very much aware and participative in the fan-fare ship of sports particularly cricket, football, hockey, etc. This indicates an individual’s keen interest and awareness of sports.

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