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Top 5 Best Moves of Carmella

Carmella is one of those WWE superstars that does not get the respect that she deserves. Check out the top 5 best moves of Carmella.

Harsh Chopra
Last updated: 24.04.2023
Top 5 Best Moves of Carmella

Carmella is one of those WWE superstars that does not get the respect that she deserves and she has improved so much in the past few years that she should be talked about more. Initially when she came to WWE, she was not that good of a wrestler but she has put in the work and now she is a veteran of the business

One of the reasons that she has gotten so much better in the ring is because she has developed a set of moves that can win her the match and she is truly an all rounder because she has a finishing move and a submission move that can win her Matches and this is a sign of a great wrestler. Six let’s look at the Top 5 Moves of Carmella

1) Code of Silence


This is the submission move that Carnella uses in her matches to tap out her opponent and she has been using this move for years and it has been very effective for her and has won her titles in WWE as well. In this move Carnella goes to the ground and then she locks both her legs to the face of her opponents and they have no choice but to tap out . This is one of the most difficult submission moves to do.

2) Back Kick to Head

This is one of those moves that Carnella does in her Matches and Carnella has a wide variety of kicks which are more effective but this is a staple. In this move the opponent is on the ground and Carnella kicks them to the back of the head and the opponent is laid out for a period of time and she gets a near fall each time she hits this move

3) Full Body Turnbuckle Lock

This is a submission move that is one of the most painful to bear in WWE. A few WWE superstars use this move when they are in the outside of the ring and the opponent is in excruciating pain. In this move Carnella locks the full body of her opponents outside the Turnbuckle and she uses both her hands and legs to inflict pain.

4) Face Buster

The face Buster is a move where the face of the opponent is hurt the most because the full impact of the move is focused on the face of the opponent. In this move Carnella lifts her opponent and then plants them face first to the ground and every time she gets a near fall in the match. Carmella uses this move late in the match and this also helps set up her big finishing move.

5) Superkick

This is another one of the finishing moves of Carnella that she has been using since her time on the main roster from 2016. This is a move that has proved very effective for her and she hits the best superkick among the women in WWE. In this move Carmella uses her full legs strength to hit the kick as hard as she can to the face of her opponents and generally she wins the matches with the Kick.

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