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Top 5 Best Moves of Bret Hart

In this article, check out the top 5 best moves of Bret Hart. Bret Hart was the hero of so many young wrestlers who are not the top stars in the world.

Harsh Chopra
Last updated: 07.07.2023
Best Moves of Bret Hart

It is surprising that it has taken this long to write about the Top 5 Moves of Bret Hart considering that he is one of the best of all time. Some fans say that he is the best there ever is , the best there ever was and the best there ever will be and he is the excellence of execution. Bret Hart was so good because he had such a great set of moves which he can use at any time to hurt his opponents and to win matches.

Bret Hart was the hero of so many young wrestlers who are not the top stars in the world. He and Shawn Michaels were two of the best of all time and they both had excellent matches against each other. 

So, let’s take a look at the Top 5 Moves of Bret Hart

1) Sharpshooter

This famous submission move which has been used by so many WWE superstars over the years was introduced by this man as a finisher and whenever he hit this submission move it meant that the match was over and the opponent had no chance of getting back up and Bret Hart would apply the move till the time the opponent would tap out. It is one of the most painful submission Moves and in this move Bret Hart locks the legs of his opponent against his own and then he puts his entire body weight on top of the opponent.

2) Piledriver

This was the second finishing move of Bret Hart and this was one of the most risky moves in WWE history because the opponent puts all the trust in Bret Hart that when he Hits this move then the opponent would not be hurt badly and just enough for Bret Hart to win the match. This move showed how good Bret Hart really was because he would lift his opponent and then slam their head in the mat and it would look brutal and Bret Hart would win the match.

3) German Suplex

This was one of the signature moves of Bret Hart which he used in his matches and this move was made popular by him because at that time very few did this move and he was the most famous one who did it. In this move Bret Hart would lift his opponent and then Suplex them on the back of their head and the impact would be devastating and he would always get a near fall everytime he hit this move.

4) DDT

This was also one of the many signature moves of Bret Hart and he would use this move when he wanted to take control of the match and Bret Hart would hit this move with force so that maximum impact can be achieved through this move. Bret Hart was that type of wrestler who wanted to have a great match and make the Moves lookmas authentic as possible and so in this move he would lock the head of the opponent in his hands and then plant then face first to the ring.

5) Backbreaker

The 5th move in this list is one of those moves that hurt the opponent the most because it is called the Backbreaker and the meaning of the move is not so subtle and Best of had one of the best and most impactful Backbreakers of all time as he would make the audience feel that he has really broken the back of his opponents. In this move Bret Hart would lift his opponent and then he would hit their back against his knee and as a result the impact on the back was severe and the opponent would fall down in a heap.

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